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Gibt es dazu Studien?
Für Gesundheitsprodukte sind Aussagen zur Wirksamkeit gesetzlich streng geregelt - daher müssen wir leider viele Informationen zurückhalten.
Um mehr Transparenz und Bestätigung der Wirksamkeit zu gewährleisten, zeigen wir Studien zu den Inhaltsstoffen unseres Nail Care Pens.
Allgemeine Studie:
Allgemeine Studie:
An Open Study to Evaluate Effectiveness and Tolerability of a Nail Oil Composed of Vitamin E and Essential Oils in Mild to Moderate Distal Subungual Onychomycosis
Onychomycosis is the most common nail disease and can affect both fingernails and toenails. When possible, topical treatment is generally preferred both by patients and physicians because it is associated with lower risk of systemic side effects and drug interactions than oral antifungals, avoiding laboratory monitoring.
Sehen Sie sich hier die Studie an:
Studie zu Teebaumöl:
Studie zu Teebaumöl:
A Review on Antifungal Efficiency of Plant Extracts Entrenched Polysaccharide-Based Nanohydrogels
Human skin acts as a physical barrier; however, sometimes the skin gets infected by fungi, which becomes more severe if the infection occurs on the third layer of the skin. Azole derivative-based antifungal creams, liquids, or sprays are available to treat fungal infections; however, these formulations show various side effects on the application site. Over the past few years, herbal extracts and various essential oils have shown effective antifungal activity. Additionally, autoxidation and epimerization are significant problems with the direct use of herbal extracts. Hence, to overcome these obstacles, polysaccharide-based nanohydrogels embedded with natural plant extracts and oils have become the primary choice of pharmaceutical scientists. These gels protect plant-based bioactive compounds and are effective delivery agents because they release multiple bioactive compounds in the targeted area. Nanohydrogels can be applied to infected areas, and due to their contagious nature and penetration power, they get directly absorbed through the skin, quickly reaching the skin’s third layer and effectively reducing the fungal infection. In this review, we explain various skin fungal infections, possible treatments, and the effective utilization of plant extract and oil-embedded polysaccharide-based nanohydrogels.
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Studie zu Aloe Vera:
Studie zu Aloe Vera:
The effect of Aloe vera ethanol extract on the growth inhibition of Candida albicans
Aim Candida albicans can cause two major types of infections: superficial infections (such as oral or vaginal candidiasis) as well as life-threatening systemic infections, and Aloe vera extract is one of the potentially useful therapeutic options. The aim of this study was to determine antifungal properties of Aloe vera ethanol extract on vulvovaginal candidiasis caused by Candida albicans. Methods Aloe vera ethanol extract was prepared by the maceration method with 70% ethanol and dissolved in DMSO into multiple concentrations (6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, and 50%). Candida albicanswas cultured in Sabouraud dextrose agar for 72 hours and disc diffusion method was used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of each concentration in comparison with fluconazole. Zones of inhibition at 72 hours were measured and documented, then analysed to get the mean inhibition zone (MIZ). Results After 72 hours, all concentrations of Aloe vera ethanol extract showed inhibition effect against C. albicans with mean inhibition zones of each concentration, 12.450±0.208 mm (6.25%), 13.975±0.457 mm (12.5%), 15.650±0.420 mm (25%), and 17.225±0.512 mm (50%), respectively. Fluconazole revealed comparable antifungal effect with MIZ of 11.025±0.478 mm. Oneway ANOVA test showed a significant effect of Aloe vera ethanol extract on inhibition zone of Candida albicans growth (p<0.005). Conclusion Aloe vera ethanol extract possesses concentration dependent activity against Candida albicans that is comparable with standard antifungal agents.
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Studie zu Vitamin E:
Studie zu Vitamin E:
An Open Study to Evaluate Effectiveness and Tolerability of a Nail Oil Composed of Vitamin E and Essential Oils in Mild to Moderate Distal Subungual Onychomycosis
Onychomycosis is the most common nail disease and can affect both fingernails and toenails. When possible, topical treatment is generally preferred both by patients and physicians because it is associated with lower risk of systemic side effects and drug interactions than oral antifungals, avoiding laboratory monitoring.
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Studie zu Nelkenöl:
Studie zu Nelkenöl:
Antifungal Activity of Clove Essential Oil and its Volatile Vapour Against Dermatophytic Fungi
Antifungal activities of clove essential oil and its volatile vapour against dermatophytic fungi including Candida albicans, Epidermophyton floccosum. Microsporum audouinii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Trichophyton rubrum were investigated. Both clove essential oil and its volatile vapour strongly inhibit spore germination and mycelial growth of the dermatophytic fungi tested. The volatile vapour of clove essential oil showed fungistatic activity whereas direct application of clove essential oil showed fungicidal activity.
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