Further advice – Health Routine

Do you feel that you are not yet achieving the desired results with the products? We would be happy to help you.

Sometimes the cause of health problems lies deeper. This is where we come in and offer you in-depth health advice with our holistic health expert Max Germeroth .

During the consultation, Max will take time to listen to your health condition and analyze exactly how you can best be helped.

The conversation with Max lasts 30-45 minutes and can be conducted either by telephone or video conference .

The consultation is of course free of charge and non-binding .

This is how it works

1. Book an appointment : You book an appointment at a time that suits you. You can choose whether you would prefer to have the conversation by phone or video conference.

2. Conversation : If you have selected the telephone option, we will call you at the specified time. For video conference, we will meet in the video conference room at the specified time.

3. Topics : You tell Max about your situation, goals and problems. You can of course ask Max any questions you have.

4. Solutions: Max advises you and together you will find the right products.

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